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霍基2 Hoggy 2 v2

霍基2 Hoggy 2 v2
  • 分类:益智休闲
  • 版本:v2
  • 大小:21MB
  • 小编:游人网
  • 语言:中文
  • 更新:2021-10-22 05:03:03







霍基2 Hoggy 2简介

Hoggy 2 is the long awaited sequel to the 2010 hit, Hoggy! Take control of Hoggy and Hogatha, two painfully adorable slime-molds, on a quest to rescue their children from the Moon Men! Slime molds are sticky... so whenever you jump, you stick to the ceiling! Use this gravity-swapping ability to conquer over two hundred unique levels as you seek enough keys to reach the moon! Get Hoggy 2 because you deserve a classic platformer with a twist!

Each level is completely unique and hand-crafted. Many contain alternate solutions to unlock secrets and stars! Make your way across the world and to the moon where you will face boss-battles that are unlike anything you've ever played before!

And after you've won, join the Hoggy 2 online community where you can play an infinite number of levels uploaded by other players! Create your own levels, upload them, and earn Karma from admirers to unlock new features. With an incredible array of editing tools, and quick access to new or daily levels, you will be enjoying Hoggy 2 for years to come!

(Special Note: Hoggy 2 is a free app that displays non-invasive ads during some game transitions. All ads can be removed with a single in-app purchase)

霍基2 Hoggy 2基本信息

更新时间    2018-12-20大       小    21.95MB

版       本    2最低版本    需要 iOS?8.0 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod?touch 兼容。

霍基2 Hoggy 2更新日志

o EU privacy compatibility

上一个:萌猫乐消消安卓版游戏 下一个:-look-




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