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Mystery of Fortune 2 v1.057

Mystery of Fortune 2 v1.057
  • 分类:益智休闲
  • 版本:v1.057
  • 大小:84MB
  • 小编:游人网
  • 语言:中文
  • 更新:2021-10-21 14:45:21










Mystery of Fortune 2简介

Mystery of Fortune 2 is the eighth episode of Fortune Chronicle Episodes. This is the official sequel of SRPG Mystery of Fortune(2014).

Explore dungeons with your own army and try to make the most efficient corps.

You must charge your phone while playing!


1. 25 available units and over 35 monsters.

2. Battle macro system that helps battles.

3. Changing class system lets you acquire various skills and strategies.

4. More gears and items to equip and collect.

5. Total 85 dungeons in 14 states to explore.

Rules of the game

1. Every battle are conducted automatically. The Player gat set up strategies and level up units for the battle, before the battles starts.

2. You need to set up a fighting AI called battle macro to units before the battle starts. For example, you could set up the best strategy for battles by assembling condition and run sentence like - “Use skill when encounters enemy in close range” and “Heal yourself when you lost 50% HP”.

3. In the Pub you visit before you enter the dungeon, you can get some hints for your strategy, hire new units, purchase items and battle macro to prepare for the next battle.

4. Once the battle starts, the Player spectates the battle. You can use items to heal your units or fill Ether when you need.

5. When your units clear enemies in the current wave, they automatically proceed to the next wave. If you lost every unit in the battle, exploration ends.

6. When the exploration ends, you receive gold and items that you can use to upgrade your units.

How to use iCloud data save

Caution: iCloud saving overwrite data to your phone, so your existing data might be deleted. Using when you transfer data after changing device only is recommended.

If your data is deleted during using cloud-saving, it cannot be recovered. Please pay close attention.

1. Click ‘Game Center’ button on your existing device.

2. Sync saved data by clicking “Save Data” button. Don’t close application or break the internet connection. Data might be lost. Provided that the process is stuck at 0% too much time, close application and restart.

3. Click ‘Game Center’ button on your changed device.

4. Click “Load Data” button and sync saved data from servers. Don’t close application or break the internet connection as same above.

5. When you start app, previous saved data would be loaded. Now you can play the game.

Please sync saved data by clicking “Save Data” button to keep losing your data.

Please use “Load Data” when you newly change your cell phone or lose saved data only. Company doesn’t take responsible for rollback data by running “Load Data” in usual condition.

Mystery of Fortune 2基本信息

更新时间    2019-06-03大       小    84.57MB

版       本    1.057最低版本    需要 iOS?8.0 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod?touch 兼容。

Mystery of Fortune 2更新日志

Fixed a crash bug in the Arena battle.

上一个:冰川时代大冒险 下一个:托马斯和朋友




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