Order a taxi cab in Boston, MA from Boston Metro Cab using your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch ? 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!! Fast, convenient, and easy to use.
Use a map to select your pick-up location, and track the location of your taxi.
Receive notification alerts about the status of your booking, and when your taxi arrives.
? Request a taxi cab right now, or select a future date and time for pick-up.
? Don’t know your location? ? Send the taxi to your current GPS position.
? You can also tap a location on a map, or type in a pick-up address.
? Select a pickup or drop-off address from your phone’s Contacts list.
? Save a pick-up address as a favorite, and use it for future bookings.
? Select booking options for your cab (wheelchair accessible, pet-friendly, etc.)
? Get a fare estimate based on map distance between pickup and destination.
? Send additional info the driver ? type a message, up to 255 characters.
? A confirmation message lets you know your booking request was accepted.
? Push notifications alert you when your cab is on the way, and when it has arrived.
? Push notification alerts you if your cab is late. You can choose to keep waiting or cancel the booking.
? Display the current location of your taxi on a map.
? Cancel a booking.
? Display up to three previous bookings made with your mobile device.
? Tap a button to make a phone call to Boston Metro Cab (if app is installed on an iPhone).
NOTE: If the Metro Cab application is installed on an iPad or an iPod Touch, the feature to call Boston Metro Cab is disabled.
? Type in a message and send it to the driver who is on the way to your location.
? Receive a message sent by the driver who is on the way to your location.
? Pre-register a credit card or account to be used for trip payments.
? Pay for your trip using your pre-registered credit card or account.
? Add a tip as an amount or percentage of the fare.
Boston, MA
更新时间 2018-11-22大 小 8.99MB
版 本 2.0.31最低版本 需要 iOS?8.2 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod?touch 兼容。
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